Roots of Repair:
The Call of the Little People

A 3 part Ritual Immersion


Hello Beautiful Soul,

If you’ve found yourself here, it’s likely that you feel a deep bond to the Natural World.

It’s also very likely that you have a special curiosity and blood/soul connection with the Little People, Nature Spirits and the Guardians of the Earth.

I know that it can be heartbreaking to see the ways in which Humanity has broken it’s bonds with Nature over the generations.

I also know that that is precisely WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR, to speak up on behalf of what it is our Heart knows, so we may bring a positive change and impact to the world around us.

You’re here because you have the Voice of a Fierce and Loving Protector Igniting inside of you.

Now is the Time to Let that Courageous Heart Speak.

Chances are, you’re looking for a safe space and community support in letting that Voice Flow Free.

What if when it was time to step up to the plate, and claim your space, speak your truth, you knew you didn’t have to do it alone?

What does it feel like to really know, on a blood, bone and soul level, that you have thousands of Ancestors, Guides and Guardians standing behind you?

In Roots of Repair, we come together as a community with the Little People, and the Spirits of Place, to strengthen the muscles of Resilience and Trust in ourselves, in our communities, and in our Spiritual and Ancestral Allies.

The Little People have put out the call for you to Remember this Courageous Heart once again.

This life is precious.
Are you Ready to Live it with the complete capacity of your soul fully on board?


“Safe guarding the Integrity inside the Heart of the Lineage must be a primary goal of all Lineage Keepers.”

This was whispered to me by one of my Elders, in Spirit form, as I sat down to write about Roots of Repair.

How can we do this, when we can be so easily so cut off from the inherent wisdom inside these streams that run inside our blood, our bodies and our earth’s own waters?

Practicing being in Right Relationship to all that is around us is one of the ways we can safeguard these traditions.

Tending relations from this ROOTED place allows us to in turn be resourced, so that when it is time to grow, time to lead, time to step out in courage and voice the thing that must be said, that no one else is saying perhaps because it was tailored made by the Ancestors to be proclaimed and spoken only by YOU - You are Ready.

Being in Right Relationship is something that cannot be taught, it is lived.

Indigenous cultures all over the earth have known this from the beginning of time.

It is put into practice by being a part of a living Ecosystem, which is an EQUAL SYSTEM where in a village is tied to land and land to village.

In this day and age, it is essential that we come together in community with the Spirits of Place, and the Spirits of the Ancestors, to ask these questions:

  • What does Being in Right Relationship with the land and our communities really look like?

  • How can the Little People help us with this?

  • and How have they been guiding Humanity with this throughout herstory, since the beginning of time?


We ALL have Ancestral allies that are Little People. These helpers are indigenous to the bloodlines we carry, and there are those who are Indigenous to our soul’s unique cosmology as well.

In the Lakota language, there is a sacred saying, Mitakye Oasin, which means “We are all Related”. 

In Roots of Repair, we call these nations of Little People forward, to guide us into deeper reconnection, and show us the way into walking in Right Relationship with them. 



Each Day of the Immersion includes:

  • 2.5 hrs + of ceremony

  • Grounding Invocation + Somatic Experience

  • The preparation of Offerings to Spirit

  • Energy Medicine or Divination including: Group Kontomblé Divination, Ancestralization Ritual or Grief Circle

  • Talk + Transmissions on that day’s topic from Aislinn

  • Opening the circle: Group Share and Q + A



Our Flow

Day 1

Walking with the Little People

  • Grounding Invocation + Energy Medicine

  • Transmission: Who are the Little People and Nature Spirits? What are their core messages for us at this time?

  • Walking + Rooting with the Guardians and Spirits of Place

  • Common Misconceptions about the Little People

  • Reinstating Indigenaity through Elemental Ritual and Elemental Literacy 

  • Ways to deepen our connection to the Little People - offerings, art and creation

  • Group Circle


Day 2

Reconciliation + Right Relationship

  • Navigating the Wound of Severance

  • The Medicine of Decay

  • Activating the Voice of Truth Within

  • Discerning the between the Fierce + Loving Protector who is Rooted in Integrity vs. the Protector who is Rooted in Trauma and Distortion 

  • Hear from the Kontomblé (the Little People of the Dagara Tribe) directly in a Group Divination


Day 3

Ancestralization + Integration

  • Transmission: The Emergence of Village Consciousness

  • You will be invited to Prepare traditional offerings for your Ancestors

  • Group Circle: Share + Integrations

  • Guided Energy Medicine focused on Group Ancestralization Process



Purchase the Replay

$295 Pay in Full


2 x $155 Payment Plan



This is for you if:

  • You want to deepen your connection to the Little People and Spirits of the Land

  • You're ready to shed the shame that colonial systems have instilled into your Ancestral DNA + Memory Body

  • You have the Voice of a Fierce and Loving Protector Igniting inside of you and are looking for support in letting that Voice Flow Free

  • You are ready to feel Resourced and Supported by your Ancestors, and the Beings in the Natural World Around you

  • You are a leader, teacher, healer or change-maker who is ready to center community wellness and the vitality of the village over the gains of the individual.

  • You trust that being in a spiritually intimate and at times highly emotional group setting can be healing for you (due the the Grief Work and Ancestralization)

  • You are ready to look closely in the mirror and disentangle the knots with in your own lineage so you may clear the way for the lineages you carry and tend to, to come through free of distortion

  • You want to know actionable steps you can take to start bringing Ancestral Reconciliation and Repair into your Practice and Day to Day Life


This is not for you if:

  • You are unwilling or uninterested in talking with the Little People and the Spirits of the land *if there's a pull for you here, but a deep fear and/or feeling of shame, that could be a sign that there's still some big ancestral energy for you to move around this

  • You are unprepared to face and move through personal, ancestral and collective shadowsYou are unprepared to face and move through personal, ancestral and collective shadows

  • You have something unfolding in your life that doesn’t allow you to be fully present to reception and implementation of the teachings or sense you need 1:1 support with these topics more than a group space at this time

  • Often the Kontomblé bring through messages regarding controversial current world issues and the true nature of Adversity. As your facilitator, I do my absolute best to bring these messages through in a clear manner, free of distortions and with dignity intact. Part of their medicine is that they bring stuff up for us to look at that has been buried deep. If you sense that hearing such messages will be triggering or upsetting to you at an un-manageable degree, or in a way that causes harm rather than instigates healing, now may not be the time for you to join. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me at



Who Are the Little People?

The Little People are the original lovers of this planet. They are the seed-carriers, the medicine whisperers, the wind weavers, the water bearers.

Throughout many generations, through their generous love of humanity and of all life on earth- they’ve guided our Ancestors in the creation of culture, the tending of villages, and the birthing of traditions.

They have given us everything from songs, recipes and sewing patterns, to imparting wisdom around more complex skills such as fishing, fire tending and fermentation. 

Through the perpetuation of settler colonialism and white supremacy, we have witnessed a great loss of Soul Memory. For those who are called to Lead and be Wayshowers at this time, it is evident that these wounds of severance attempt to divide people from land, and also to divide human from the heart and soul. One of the core threads inside this loss, that is seldom spoken about, is the loss of connection to these Little People. 

The Little People have shown that throughout the ages, they were “pushed further and further underground”. They mean this literally, and figuratively. The Little People were sentenced to the realm of “make believe”, a sort of plasticized, sterilized and fetishized replication of the imaginal realms.  

One where cartoon depictions of little people replaced our true hearts' visioning of them, and where the prospect of connecting to them was made taboo, mischievous or even dangerous.  These name a few of many great misconceptions about the Little People, that they wish for us to bring to the table for a re-examination and rewriting. 

Through my years of walking alongside them, the Little People have shown me that Imagination itself is one of the greatest currencies a culture can carry.

And so, there is a direct relation between the loss of culture, and the loss of our imaginations. In response to this, they show there is a vast potential alive and on the rise at this time, between the remembrance of indigenous skills and stories, and the remembrance of relationship to the Little People and the Land.

In Roots of Repair, we meet the request of these allies, and open our elf ears and widen our star-laden eyes so we may receive the wisdom and teachings they have for us once again. 



About the Kontomblé +
Group Ceremony

The Kontomblé are the little people of the Dagara Tribe in Burkina Faso. Their culture and ways were brought to the West by Elder Malidoma Somé. The Little People are known by many names across many cultures. Recognized as leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, menehune, and more- their medicine and it’s message is universal in nature. They are the original stewards of the earth, and bringers of culture to humanity! They have always been a part of this world, and now, more than ever- they are wanting to reconnect with humanity to guide us through the transformational times we are in.

Often, the Kontomblé speak on behalf of all nations of little people. Messages from these relatives often come through in the form of poetry, playful riddles, and in the magic of 3’s. Their mother tongue is a language as old as earth, and it brings healing to both our body and spirit.

In a Group ceremony, the Kontomblé bring messages for the group as a whole and then receive 3 questions from the group at the end of their transmission. They also offer healings and activations, utilizing song and elemental ritual. I never know what they are going to say ahead of time, although sometimes they may give me insight into a ritual or particular offering that they are requesting from the group ahead of time, required for the energetic processes that will unfold, in which case you will be given ample notice to prepare!

To learn more about the Kontomblé and Voice Divination, please visit this page.



Meet Your Facilitator

Aislinn Kerchaert is an Initiated Kontomblé Voice Diviner, Artist, Poet, and Healer.

She has a background as a Reiki Master, an Access Bars Facilitator, and in The Language of Being, Trauma Informed Practices and Divination. She is a proud member of The Exchange: The Institue for Equity Centered Coaching. Her Spiritual Practices as a Leader and Teacher, as well as a Human and Friend, are rooted in Animism, Equality, Ancestral Medicine, and her years of walking the Red Road with her beloved of many years. She is greatly guided by the teachings of the Kontomblé who have been her mentors and teachers for many years. Her work with Spirit, Ancestral Healing, and Energy Medicine has reached an international community over the past five years. She currently offers private Kontomblé Voice Divinations, One on one Mentoring, as well as online group courses and programs on Earth-Based Ritual, Elemental Healing and Ancestral Medicines.

To learn more, please visit the Meet Aislinn page.