Mending the Mother
A Collective Ancestralization for the Divine Feminine
with Special Guest Nila Velchoff, channeling Seth Orion
Mending the Mother Includes:
Opening Prayer + Guided Grounding Meditation to set the container
Message from our Guest Teacher, Nila Velchoff channelling Seth Orion
A Group Ancestralization with a focus on repairing the Feminine Archetypes within our lineages
Group Kontomblé Divination Ceremony
Each Channeling will be followed by a brief Q + A, where 3 Questions will be received from the group (for a total of 6 questions)
All attendees will be asked to prepare offerings (such as honey, flowers, wine and spirits) for Spirit and the Kontomblé
Honoring our Ancient Matriarchal Lineages
In the Dagara lineage and tradition, it is taught that most of our core wounds from childhood trickle down to us (or in some cases- avalanche forward from) our Maternal lineages.
The act and art of re-mothering ourselves go so much deeper than self to self.
It is self to soul, self to land, and self to the next generation.
As we uncover these wounds deep within, we find that we are not the first to carry them. That in fact, their imprints and stories and grievances and celebrations- all of these things are carried in the inevitable, enduring and ever-loving flesh of our bodies.
We carry them in our wombs, in our hearts, in our crown, and in our throats.
In particular, there is a wound I’ve carried in this lifetime that harbors it's tales inside my throat- a wound that has attempted to blockade the bridge of connection between heart, womb and crown.
It is a wound that many carry- many who are seers, whisperers of the light, and many who walk the oracular path. It is also one that many women carry who simply have something worthwhile to say in this lifetime.
Which- drumroll please….happens to be EVERY woman on this planet.
And it shows up for the men too. In the back of the heart, where the wounds of betrayal and longing hide out throughout lifetimes.
I write more about this particular collective wound of the feminine in a blog post I shared last year, titled "The Woman and the Whale: An Oracular Journey". And also in this blog post where I go deep into an unveiling of this wound on a personal and collective level: "Oracular Memory: Healing the Lineages of Mother Mary & the Dragon Lines of Sophia".
I invite you to give them a read for deeper context and a window into to what I personally mean when I say these wounds are carried throughout lifetimes and generations.
While many of these wounds were purposely carried down through our Maternal lineages- it’s important not to forget that our fathers, well- they had mothers too! And our fathers’ fathers, and so forth.
And so it is no surprise to see that each and every one of us come from a Maternal line.
In Mending the Mother, we will be exploring this deep wound of the feminine- which has impinged upon the seat of the Oracle for many a generation and lifetime.
Together we will ask: what does it mean to re-matriate ourselves, and our lineages, on both the paternal and maternal sides?
Join Us!
Cost: $88
*This Ceremony was originally a part of The Ancestors’ Terrarium Series. It is now available as a single drop in experience.
*The Ceremony will lasts approximately 2.5 hours
*You will recieve the Replay within 24 hours of purchase
About the Kontomblé +
Group Ceremony
The Kontomblé are the little people of the Dagara Tribe in Burkina Faso. Their culture and ways were brought to the West by Elder Malidoma Somé. The Little People are known by many names across many cultures. Recognized as leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, menehune, and more- their medicine and it’s message is universal in nature. They are the original stewards of the earth, and bringers of culture to humanity! They have always been a part of this world, and now, more than ever- they are wanting to reconnect with humanity to guide us through the transformational times we are in.
Often, the Kontomblé speak on behalf of all nations of little people. Messages from these relatives often come through in the form of poetry, playful riddles, and in the magic of 3’s. Their mother tongue is a language as old as earth, and it brings healing to both our body and spirit.
In a Group ceremony, the Kontomblé bring messages for the group as a whole and then receive 3 questions from the group at the end of their transmission. They also offer healings and activations, utilizing song and elemental ritual. I never know what they are going to say ahead of time, although sometimes they may give me insight into a ritual or particular offering that they are requesting from the group ahead of time, required for the energetic processes that will unfold, in which case you will be given ample notice to prepare!
To learn more about the Kontomblé and Voice Divination, please visit this page.
Your Facilitators
Meet our Guest Teacher, Nila Velchoff:
As an energy medicine practitioner, channeler, coach, and mentor, Nila uses her training and life experience to provide foundations for becoming wide awake while being effective in the world. Nila loves to support people in translating their genius, passion, and abilities into the world, living in alignment with their purpose, and leading fulfilling lives.
For 25 years, she has facilitated her work with people drawing on thousands of hours of training, experience, and participation in: The Language of Being™ (ontological study of “Being”), Stillness Technologies™ (experimental meditation), The Radix Institute™ (emotional release body work), Landmark Education Worldwide (transformational work), The Four Winds Society™ (energy medicine), Caroline Myss and Dr. Norman Shealy’s Intuitive Training, and many others.
In 2013, Nila experienced her most life altering loss – the death of her only child, Seth Orion Newby. He was and is her greatest teacher. Seth Orion showed Nila the way of devotion, compassion, and surrender. Now channeling the spirit of Seth Orion, together they share messages, teachings, and healing to support the Source Workers and Light Workers in this intensely evolving world.
Meet our Facilitator and Host, Aislinn Kerchaert:
Aislinn Kerchaert is an Initiated Kontomblé Voice Diviner, Artist, Poet, and Healer. She has received training as an Access Bars Facilitator, Reiki Master, Diviner and more. Over the years, her work with Spirit, Ancestral Healing, and Energy Medicine has reached an international community. She currently offers private Kontomblé Voice Divinations, One on one Mentoring, as well as online group courses and programs on Earth-Based Ritual, Elemental Healing and Ancestral Medicines.
To learn more, please visit the Meet Aislinn page.