welcome the assistance of the elements,
in a nurturing and revitalizing energetic healing session
*These sessions are only available In-Person
Approx. 2 hours
An Elemental Healing session is a gentle journey into a deep healing portal, where your Ancestors, Guides and Guardians are called forward to assist in the unwinding of trauma, emotional release, and the re-patterning of Ancestral Woundings.
In these sessions, I draw from my background as a Reiki Master and Initiated Diviner, as well as Access Consciousness, to hold space as Spirit guides us in the structural uncoupling and unwinding of deep-seated pains, ancestral wounds you’ve been harboring, as well as any environmental stressors you’ve been experiencing. This allows the body to release and the nervous system to recalibrate, so that you may function at a more optimal level of being, and from a space of greater clarity and ease.
Through engaging with the elements, and following the directions and guidance of Spirit, a personalized healing process emerges for each individual. For some, it may look like quietly receiving nurturing and restorative energies to boost and reset the nervous system. For others, there may be a ritual or song that wishes to come forth, using elemental medicines, oils, stones and more. Often, people emerge from these sessions feeling lighter, more spacious, and anchored into a new sense of purpose, identity and direction.
While every session is unique,
you can expect to receive:
Messages from your Guides and Guardians
Relaxation, reset and a release
Trauma release on an energetic level
Aftercare tips and “home-play” assignments and rituals
from your guides to further integrate the healing
This type of session can help with:
Trouble sleeping
Womb Healing
Releasing PTSD
Opening to Intuitive Insights and Abilities
Finding one’s path and purpose
Ancestral Healing
Closure with loved ones who have passed
Tools that may be used:
Energetic “sweeps” and clearings
The use of tinctures, oils and sacred waters
The use of rattle and sound healing through the use of Ancestral soul songs and light language
Stones and Crystals
Smudging with local and ancestral herbal allies such as cedar, mugwort, pine and sage
Prayer and Intention
Verbal clearing using the Access Clearing Statement